We got a new chancellor, and I recognized him from his frequent television appearances. He was a prominent figure in the field of education.
The moment he took over, he cracked down on all forms of unfair dealings and injustices, improving the academic environment quite a bit.
I saw Jeremy waiting for me at his regular spot under the tree. He had a milkshake in hand. I snuck up to him before standing on my tiptoes to cover his eyes.
Disguising my voice, I said, “Guess who I am.”
“I bet it’s my precious and most adorable little princess,” Jeremy responded with an affectionate smile before taking my hands away.
Chapter &
As I sat under the tree with Jeremy drinking my milkshake, I heard a pair of young women talking.
“Did you hear about Simone Hogg, the one who used to go here? She had a mental breakdown in prison and went crazy.”
“Really? Did she actually go mad, or is she just faking it?”
“Well, my dad works at the prison, and he says she spends all her time muttering under her breath about how things shouldn’t have turned out like this.”
“Oh, my. How terrifying.”
Their voices slowly died out.
While I didn’t remain on the lookout for news about Simone, she was infamous on campus, and the stories of her continued to circulate on the school forums.
Once I finished my milkshake, I went off to class with Jeremy. I worked on improving my dance while maintaining my relationship with Jeremy.
As soon as we graduated, Jeremy couldn’t wait any longer to propose to me. In a chapel decorated with pink roses, he got down on one knee and held out a diamond ring in front of
“Will you marry me, my little princess?”
I looked into the eyes of the nervous Jeremy and readily agreed to marry him.
Our lavish wedding went viral online. Everyone envied the fact that we were high school sweethearts who stayed together and ended up getting married.
After marriage, I became an internationally acclaimed dancer, while Jeremy became a renowned businessman. We were a well–matched pair that inspired envy in others.
Even as the decades passed, our love never faded. Whenever either one of us was interviewed, we would always express our deepest love for the other.
We lived happily ever after.
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