My first class of the day was Political Theory taught by Professor Wagner. She was known for being extremely strict. She didn’t allow students to come late or leave early.
“Andrea Lane.”
“Simone Hogg.”
When no answer came, she repeated, “Simone? Where is Simone?”
Since there was no reply, Professor Wagner made a note of Simone’s name.
I pulled my phone out and stuck a wireless earbud into my ear to secretly watch Simone’s livestream. She was using one hand to shield herself from the sun while holding her camera with the other.
“I got locked out on the balcony, friends!” she wailed pathetically. “What should I do?”
The comments filled the screen.
“You could try jumping down.”
“I just joined the livestream. What happened?”
“The heiress locked the streamer out on the balcony.”
“What? I knew it! These heiresses are all evil. All they do is bully the weak.”
A bunch of Simone’s viewers started giving her presents, and she immediately started thanking them happily.
Jeremy prodded me. While keeping an eye on Professor Wagner, he murmured, “Where’s Simone? Isn’t she your roommate?”
“She’s soaking up some sun,” I said before gesturing for him to look at my phone.
“That’s Simone? What is she doing?”
“She’s livestreaming—documenting her wonderful life.”
Jeremy and I were childhood sweethearts. He lived next door to me, and we had known each other since we were kids. Once we were teenagers, he confessed his feelings to me. When our families found out we were together, our families grew closer as well.
In my previous life, Simone had done such a successful job brainwashing me that I believed being with Jeremy made me one of those women who had to rely on men to survive. Thus, I pushed him away.
At the time, I never noticed the scheming look in Simone’s eyes when she first met Jeremy.
“Here, Andrea. I brought you breakfast,” Jeremy said before taking out a yogurt smoothie.
I happily drank up the smoothie. Ever since I got together with Jeremy, he had been extremely meticulous in the care he showed me. Why would I break up with such an incredible boyfriend?
Playing with the piece of chocolate that Jeremy had stuffed into my pocket, I skipped back to my dorm room. Once I opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of Simone scowling at me from the balcony.
I hurried over to unlock the balcony door for her.
“Oops! Sorry about that, Simone. I forgot you were still out on the balcony.”