hapter 20
I walked into the bathroom in my room, and I couldn’t help the sigh of pleasure that escaped my throat..
Even my wolf purred with excitement at the sight of a real bathroom.
I was eternally grateful to Ivy for the way she had helped me handle my hygiene during those trying times. However, I was giddy with joy that I had found a better alternative.
Shedding the maid’s clothes, I stepped into the shower, and turned it on
There was everything I needed in the bathroom. From wash sponges to soaps.
Without wasting any time. I began to scrub down my body.
By the time I left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my chest, I felt fully refreshed and ready to continue the day,
As I stepped out, my eyes caught the clothes arranged carefully on the bed, and I smiled.
Ivy and her kindness had struck again. She had brought me fresh clothes and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Tossing the previous ones I was putting on into the laundry basket I found in the room, I began to whistle as I dressed up. There was a dressing table in the room too. Although not as big as the one I was used to back at home, it was pretty much manageable.
I was done with dressing up, and began to work on my hair.
Weeks without a comb being run through the thick mass of hair had turned it into a forest.
I knew I was going to have a headache the second I was done detangling the hair, but I couldn’t stop now I had already started.
I didn’t exactly know what the time was, but I spent over twenty minutes on just my hair.
Soon, it was straight enough to be tied into a ponytail. I did that, and slipped into my slippers, as I stepped out to find Ivy. She was neither in her room, nor her kitchen. I checked other rooms but couldn’t find her either.
I was about to scream her name when I decided to just step ouL
True to my instinct, there she was in one of the gardens,
“Hey Ivy, what are you doing? Do you need me to join you?” I called her,
She turned to me and smiled.
“I didn’t see any food in the kitchen, so I came to check the garden.”
“I thought it’s a barren land?” I asked.
“Sure, but come over here, and I’ll show you something.”
A jolt of excitement shot through me at the nice invitation. Skipping on my heel, I made my way through the thick plants that had mostly formed weeds, and went to her.
“I noticed that the barrenness only extended until this point,” she began when I arrived. I noticed she was holding a shovel I didn’t see when I was standing far away, and subconsciously, my brow lifted. “You hear that sound? It’s the sound of a lake,” she continued. “I’ve decided to clear the grass, until it takes us to that lake. We would definitely see some things to eat there. Be it
fruits or whatever.”
Exclusive Profi
Chapter 20
“This is one of our punishments, isn’t it?” I asked, pouting.
“It definitely is. Giving you this big house whilst withholding food, then telling you to heal a barren land is a smart move. It’s basically telling you to use your hands to grow whatever you’d like to eat,” she said, and continued to clear out the grass.
Is there
something I can use to help? This seems like a lot of work.”
She laughed. “Work? Please, this is nothing. The only thing I need from you is to sing. Do you know you have an enchanting voice?”
“Enchanting is a stretch, Ivy. My father absolutely hated when I sang. I have a feeling it reminded him of my mother.”
“Tell me about your mother,” she said.
I didn’t quite remember anything about her, but from what I had told, I began to tell Ivy.
At intervals, I would break into a song for her, just to keep her energy and momentum up.
It didn’t take long before we found the lake. It was big, and huge, and just simply glorious.
Swans floated on its surface, while birds flew across the sky, chirping beautifully,
“It’s beautiful!” I said to Ivy.
“It definitely is. One of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. And look,” she points at some trees. “I told you we would have
I clapped as she climbed a tree, and began to take out its fruits.
I didn’t think women could do such laborious jobs, but Ivy was quickly proving me wrong.
“Hey, there’s something that has been bothering me since we found this spot,” I said, as a sudden thought struck in head.
“What’s that?” She asked behind her shoulders, as she plucked some oranges.
“Is it possible to escape the pack from this lake?”
She paused in the middle of taking out an orange, and whipped her head behind. “Do you have a death sentence or something?”
“Death sentence? No.” My fave scrunched in confusion.
“Everything you see belongs to Ramon. There’s a huge fence that surrounds the lands. I know you think it’s impossible because of how deep the forest is, but there is a fence. You would take days to escape, but only end up at the fence where he has guards littered about. That’s not a good idea at all.”
“Oh,” my face fell. “I thought it could be that easy,”
Ivy sighed, and moved closer to me. “I hope you miss your old life. I would do it if I were in your situation. But I want to be realistic with you. Your chance of freedom lies in Ramon growing a heart towards you, or your father defeating him. Or killing yourself,” she added the last part with a little bit of humour reflecting in her voice.
“I don’t want to kill myself,” I shook my head. “I’ve contemplated it, until I realised it would just give Ramon the excuse he needed to take another mate. If I’m going to suffer in his hands, he may as well suffer a little too.
“That’s my girl,” she smacked my arm. “And think of the benefits. We have a whole land to ourselves. We can wolf out to the maximum. Imagine taking your wolf for a run whenever you like. I know my wolf would appreciate some exhilarating
“Mine too! She’s been dying to jump out and run.”
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6:26 PM 다.
Chapter 201
Her eyes suddenly went to my neck and she frowned. “That scar is turning purple. If it doesn’t heal on time, you could get a fever.”
“Don’t worry,” I smiled, it was my turn to impress her. I was eyeing the papaya tree for that same reason. I’m going to make a paste with it, and before tomorrow dawns, it will be all cleared.”
“You’re lucky you are a healer. You can’t be hurt by these petty things.”
“Yeah, sometimes we need to give our wolves the helping hand they deserve, when they do nothing but protect us.”
“True. Sounds like something you’d hear at the festival of alpha’s.” She threw into the air casually, as we began to return to the house with all the fruits we got
“What’s the festival of the alphas?” I asked, running behind her..