Chapter 202
I paced back and forth in my room, my eyes going to the message Lian had sent across to me over and over again.
Ferins was pushing harder for a marriage between him and Sonia.
He was doing his best to reject it, but the elders of his pack were getting weary.
Everyone knew about Ferias. They knew he was notorious for getting his way.
They also knew that many years ago, I had been taken away from my burning pack to their pack, to be hidden from Ferins.
He had strategically scouted Liam for his sick plans, and they knew if they refused his request, they would have to face his wrath.
My phone rang, bringing me out of my head.
I grabbed it, and answered when I saw it was from Liam,
“Did you get my message!” He asked immediately I answered
the phon
*I did. I just got it. What am I supposed to do with this?” I asked, feigning unconcern.
“Don’t do that, Ramon. We need to meet, and talk. I’m not going to entertain Ferins madness no matter how much the elders push. But I need you too. I need us to destroy Ferins once and for all. He’s not just messing with you alone, Ramon. You know how much I hate to be messed with
He sounded really annoyed, which made me much relieved.
I already knew he wasn’t going to give in to Ferins demands. I just didn’t know how long he could withstand the pressure from his pack
“Fine I go talk to Hazel. See how much I can make out of this crap
“Wait, you’ve really not spoken to him in the last month?” He asked.
“I didn’t think I’d be able to control myself the second I set eyes on him. Besides, nothing was confirmed, yeah? It’s still just Moon’s words against everyone else at this point.”
“Ramon,” he called with a tiredness in his voice that made my face crease. “I can’t believe you still believe Moon was lying. Could you just give him. the benefit of doubt for a few seconds!”
“No, because I have no reason to. It’s his word against Lorena’s, and Lorena is carrying my
y child. I need to go now. Let’s talk some other time.”
“Wait 1 sen—”
I ended the call before he could complete whatever lie was about to say.
Taking a deep breath, I turned towards my door.
1 opened it, and as I stepped out, almost clashed against someone small, but strong
I moved back the second I sensed her.
“What are you doing here?”
“Shut up, and tell me what we’re going to do about Ferins,” Daisy said.
“Idarn sent you, didn’t he?”
“No one sends me, Hamon. But I’ve been holding myself back from coming over, and giving you a good kick on your behind. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you!”
Frowning, I wondered w what the hell she was talking about.
Everyone seemed to have a problem with me, even when I had made certain to mind my business in the last month.
6.31 PM
Chapter 202
“Don’t even think about shunting me out. Seriously, what is wrong with you?”
“Move,” I said, and when she refused to move, I walked around her.
“Really You’re going to be difficult! You’ve not seen your dearest friend in months, and yet you’re acting all tough!” She called, following after me
Lignored her, because she wasnt worth the stress.
I was already concerned about facing Hazel
Despite the fact everyone else thought he was an accomplice to my enemies, I was still willing to give him the benefit of doubt.
Daniel was at the cell gate when I arrived.
Somehow, he had made it one of his missions to watch the cell.
According to his logic, and that of Blane, one of the spy’s could try to contact Hazel.
When that happened, they wanted to be prepared to accost them.
I hadn’t even realized my subconscious registered all the nonsense they usually blabbed when they forced their way into my proximity.
“Alpha” He bowed on seeing me.
“Get out of my way. Daniel,” I said.
He quickly ducked to the side, but as soon as I walked past him, I heard his footsteps behind me.
Using smell. I traced Hazel down to his cell.
I couldn’t recognize him when I saw him. He had his head up to the ceiling, and it looked like he had aged ten years more..
This couldn’t be the same child I had raised with my two hands.
How could he have turned out this way? How could he have thought of betraying me?
“Hey,” I called out to him.
He didn’t respond immediately, but I knew he had sensed my presence.
What game was he playing? If he was trying to appeal to my conscience, silence was not the way to do it.
I was in a mood I was very y certain he didn’t want to further stoke.
“Hazel” I growled, and his gaze instantly went to me.
“That was so hot!”
I turned my head behind, and saw Daisy watching us.
“Seriously?” I lifted my brow her way.
“What? I’m not leaving you with this betrayer. He’s not going to manipulate you.
I sighed, as I closed my eyes and counted in my mind.
Patience was key, but I was fi
was fast running out of it.
Not o
on my
my watch
Everyone had an opinion. A way to go about things.
The voices were getting loud again. I was able to drown them when I decided to keep to myself for a month. But they were back.
Taking one very deep breath, I brought my hand to the cell’s lock, and yanked it out.
I pushed the door open, and walked into the room.
As if Daniel had read my mind, he came into the room, and placed a chair for me to sit
31 PM
Chapter 202
ou.” I muttered, as I sat, and faced Hazel whose gaze had not wavered.
“Thank you.”
“I think it’s time we talked, don’t you?”
“I did it. Everything I’ve been accused of, I did it,” he said, completely silencing me from the shock at his swift admittance.