Chapter 68
the had passed our from what I believed was her very first eliman
And later on a bed of our clothes, I knelt beter her and watched her
was an ego boost to have made her orgasm from just her nipples. I had to give it to the globes too. They were very sensitive.
Igorbed the hair covering her lovely face to the tide, and just took my feeling of her face.
marter what I did, I couldn’t stay away. 1 had taken one taste of her lips, and knew I would keep coming back.
was tired of fighting the deure. Maybe I needed to change my strategy
Who said I couldn’t get all the pleasure I needed from her body, and still exert revenge?
Donaldn’t stop the attraction I felt for her, I may as
well act on
Whenever it ended, I wouldn’t be the one to be hurt. My heart knew it was just physical attraction. I could never love the girl
Adamın shame, because she was the prettiest thing I had ever laid eyes on
I couldn’t stop myself from touching her cheeks. They were so soft, and very inviting
My hand felt her hot breath the was alive.
Thankful, because there was more where that came from.
I allowed her to pest a bit, as I rose to my feet.
The sun was just starting to set. Still naked, I walked over to the waters, and sat, with my back turned to her.
I had spent the entire morning in a meeting with the other alphan
They should all be gone at this point. The festival of alpha’s had by all means been successful.
Even though I wasn’t able to go through with the core reason I even opted to host it in the first place, I could see the respect and admiration in the eyes of my fellow alphas, towards me.
The way I deescalated the situation with alpha Jake, perhaps helped solidify their respect for me.
In hindsight, parading her the way I wanted would have done more harm than good to me.
The afternoon was spent between confronting Liam over uning her, and– I paused in my
by reminiscing, my hand folding into a fist.
I couldn’t help but feel a little off about Liam being the one to help, Sonia
Elane, beck anyone else I wouldn’t have minded, because I didn’t see them as equals enough to move me
But Liam was just as great an Alpha as I was. He was handsome, and very popular with the ladies.
Where I was feared because I would rather keep to myself, he was adored for his cheerfulness.
She was my fated mate, and that was set in stone.
However, I couldn’t risk her seeing him in a light that could lead to trouble, or confusion.
1eralised as I sat there, analysing the situation, it was just my insecurity speaking
I was letting petty ennetis loodgir again. That was what giving in to desire would do to the mind.
Unfortunately, when you leaf of the forbidden fruit, it is impossible not to want more.
barang bark. I listened to the must of the water.
The rhythm it’s weers played, called to me. It usually told a story
The story was one that led me to believe soon, the full moon would come.
My eyes napped. That was why Sonia was being unusually daring
ery much complicate things.
Heat rush was coming. The most anticipated time for most wolves with mates.
1 band to be careful in doing anything with her. If I got her pregnant, it could very
She stirred in her rest, and the sound, though barely audible, drifted into my ears,
[turned, and found her eyes still closed. I could stare at her all day. I could-
Her eyes opened, and I quickly returned my head to its initial position.
I listened to her movements instead. She straightened, and stretched. A yawn left her throat, then I felt her scratching her eyes with
with the back of her hand
“Water,” she called in a husky voice.
I was turning around when I felt her behind me.
She dropped to her knees, and wrapped a hand around my
d my waist from behind.
The movement caused me to jerk in shock. Thank you for teaching me,” she whispered in my ear.
For the longest time, I couldn’t find a response. I just sat still, and in silence, as she hugged me from behind.
It was perhaps the most intimate I had ever been with anyone. My wolf was giddy with excitement
He pranced around doing the happy dance.
She was so innocent. I still didn’t understand why her friend said all those things ab
about her.
The bigger question mark was if this was all just pretence. Wouldn’t it be difficult for someone to act all innocent for this long!
“My brother Seth used to sneak me to the rivers, to teach me how to fish. My father wouldn’t let me out, so he would bribe the guards and sneak me
I was shocked to hear her voice. Heavily distracted by her breasts pressing against my back. But surprisingly not distracted enough not to pay attention to what she was saying
Hearing her talk was like hearing a hummingbird sing. Her voice was exquisite.
“One time, we caught this really big fish, and he roasted it by the side of the waters. We are every bit of it, and when we went home, I couldn’t eat dinner. My father suspected something was wrong. He almost caught us. I’ve never seen Seth that worried before,” she laughed. “He didn’t take me out for two weeks after that incident.”
“Did you ever catch one of your own?” I found myself asking her.
“A lot. I could for you if you want,” she yapped enthusiastically. “Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to cook it.”
“You never learnt because you had maids to do everything for you,” I said, a little less than a question, and more like a matter of fact statement.
I felt her stiffen, and began to withdraw into her shell.
It wasn’t my intention to ruin the mood. Although, I had come out pret
pretty accusatory.
¬dy around, an