Chapter 28
“I wash the ground would just open and swallow me up before I end up going insane” I said, laying my head on the lunch table.
“I totally take back that wish for you since you are my best friend and I love you. Beside, think positive, it’s not that bad. Maddie stopped for a second: “Okay, maybe it’s that bad, but still think about it. I wish you luck, free: that’s all I can do.” She had a smile on her face.
1 groaned in response,
I’m sure
it’s going to fine; you can definitely handle isofle chipped in, trying to cheer me up
“What’s got B
Bree all worked up? Why is she so gloomy?” Dylan asked as he sat down beside Maddie, and Daniel followed after sitting beside Sofle
“She has to do a history presentation on Monday in front of the whole class as a reward for having the best grade. Though it sounds more like a punishment to me. Maddie answered, and I groaned even more.
“That shouldn’t be hard, you’re really smart. I know you can handle it.” Dy
1.” Dylan says.
“Thate too much attention on me; I’m regretting having the best grade on the test.” I said that and sighed.
“But on the bright side, you have the weekend free, and you can relax and have fun.” Sofie stated.
“Yeah, Sofie is right, Bree. Aren’t you just happy today is Friday” Maddie joked.
“I guess I whispered it out.
“Where is Hayden! I haven’t seen him today, babe,” Maddie said to Dylan:
I have no idea; he’s been in a bad mood lately, and we don’t know why.”
stood up, and they all looked puzzled at me
“Where are you going?” Sofie asked.
“to the library to get an early start with the presentation. I plan on enjoying my weekend, and I can’t let school work get involved. That’s a big no..” 1 said, making my way to the dirt bin and throwing the left–overs, then made my way out of the cafeteria.
I was on my way to the library when I saw a familiar boy hanging out on his own in an empty classroom with an airpod plugged into his ears. I opened the classroom door, walking up to him and taking a seat, facing his direction
His head shot up when he noticed my presence and he rolled his eyes, making an attempt to stand up, but I held his hand placed on the table. Mine on his and give him a pleading look
“Did I do something wrong” Lasked, hoping to clear the air between us, but was welcomed with silence, His eyes were cast behind me, not looking my way.
“Come on. Hayden. You have been avoiding me. Why
I huffed and let out a sigh. “Why are you in such a bad mood lately? I was frustrated
why does it matter to you?” I was taken aback at how cold his tone sounded.
“because I care. I thought we were friends, things were going great between us, then suddenly you’re acting all different.” I questioned him, wanting to know the reason for his cold attitude towards me
“Whatever,” he said. He stood up, took his things, and walked out of the classroom.
Blooked his retreating back and let out a sigh again for the hundredth time today
*What the hell…” I frowned.
I still do not plan on giving up, I will get to the bottom of this. That was how stubborn I intended to be. I stood up from my seat and made my way out of the classroom to my original destination. The library
ent my lunch time in the library, doing some research and writing down the things I needed. After finishing up with it, I packed up my things
the bell rang and headed to the field where Maddie and Sofie had PE. I’m so thankful I don’t have to do this right after lunch.
as tiring with all the exercise. Now imagine doing all this right after lunch. I just internally cringed.
Chapter 28
I had taken permission from our Ph. teacher to seat this one out I told him I was feeling period cramps. I know how much boys feel comfortable when a girl talks about periods. I cast my glance to where Sobe and Maddie dood, feeling for them. I took a seat on the bench, which was cl the long tree that gave me shelter from the sun. I could see the whole held, and a group of jocks were running around the field, playing foo they practiced for their up–coming match next Friday. The cheerleaders were cheering of thurs what they wanted to call. To me, it looked more like a free stripping show for the Loys. Maddin, Sobe, and the others were running around the Beld
Pure torture.
Every time I ran, I ended up breathing like a dying whale I’m just not athletic. I continued to stare at them. In Maddie and Sofea thumbs up. trying to boost them up. Maddie dramatically fell, while Sofie looked like she was trying to control her breath. I let out a laugh, throwing a
Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulders and turned around to see a grey–eyed boy with blond, curly hair. I hadn’t seen him before. He stepped down. from the bench above to take a seat beside me.
“Oliver.” He brought his hand forward for a handshake
“Bree” I said, shaking his hand.
“Why are you here and not there tiver asked, pointing down at the field.
1 rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“I should ask you that as well” I said.
“That would be because I’m new here” He smiles. I guess that explains it all. I noticed his British accent and was a late sworn.
“So Bree, why is a beautiful girl like you sitting alone, all by yourself? Oliver asked.
Hlaughed. “That’s the worst pick–up line I love ever heard.”
The shrugged. W least I tried, it could have worked?
“I doubt that, and besides, that was so cheesy.” I said that and laughed along with Oliver.
“Yeah, Lagree with you” He sud it herween laughter.
“I take it from your accent; you’re from England” Lasked.
erually from Australia, but raised in England.” He replied, watching the jocks play. I looked back to the field to see Maddie and Sobe giving the look as they not so obviously waggled their eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at their childish cacİCL
“That’s nice. I have a friend who recently moved to Australia with his family”
I don’t really know much a about Australia, my family and I moved when I was just five” Oliver said,
The discussion kept going. We spoke and laughed over randon things. Flearned more about him and his time in England. His family had to move to New York because his dad was expanding his laminess. He was nure, funny, and funny to be with. We got to know each other better the more we talked as we gorelover.
“By the way,
what’s the full name for Here I keep racking my
my brain; instead of me guessing it’s best you just tell me.” Oliver suddenly asked
“It’s Gabrielle, but I prefer free instead of Brit. That is what my friends call me” Texplained.
“I think I would call you Elle? He said.
is that?” I asked,
“And why is i
“I want to call you something different from what your friends call you. That way, it makes me unique” He winked at me, and I laughed.
If it pleases your majesty.” I joked with a fake British accent.
“Well, thank you, Milady: Oliver responded, playing along, and we ended up laughing. “I take it those two staring at you are your friends” I followed lus gaze and saw Sobe and Maddie looking our way, they both started making kissing faces at me
“Unfortunely” I murmured, throwing them the middle hager, and they both laughed,
ys seem really close.” It was more of a statement than a question, but I still answered.
You guys seem rea
“Yeah, we are 1 amwered.
“How long have you guys been friends? He asked again, his focus on Sofie
Chapter 28.
It seems like someone has a crush on a particular best friend of mine. “Maddie and I have been friends since kindergarten, while Sofie is in her
junior year,
“Oh, so who exactly are Maddie and Sofie” he questioned, with his gaze still on Sode. A sly smile formed on my face. It was about time I played. cupid
“Maddie is one on the left, and Sofie is the girl that you seemed fascinated by
dby. I teased, wiggling my brows.
“I have no idea what you are talking about blush stained his face; he looked so fucking cute. I couldn’t help but place my hands on his face as 1 gently pinch his cheeks, which made him blush even more,
1 can introduce you two. I said to him:
“Uh Maybe later”
“Are you sure” Lanked him. “If you’re worried to make a move on her because she might have a boyfriend. She doesn’t”
“I’m just trying not to make a fool of myself: 1 tend to do that with girls I have a crush on
*I have an idea” I smiled, looking at him, while he stared at me sceptically. “My friends and I are going to a Friend’s cabin today for the weekend You can come; that way, you have more time to spend and get to know Sofie.”
“I don’t know about that. And besides, won’t your friends be pissed if I tag along uninvited?” He askes, unsure.
I’m sure he won’t mind, give me your number. I will text after school to let you know” I gave my phone to him, waited for him to type his number, then gwe him a call so that he could have mine.
“Okay then. I also have to ask, Do you happen to know the boy over there with a clenched his, glaring daggers at me?” He asked a little, frightened, and I followed his eyesight to see Hayden standing at the far end of the field looking in our direction, his eyes cold as he looked between Oliver and
- mc.
That was all I could say. It is not like I can say, Hey, his name is Hayden, and we are in a friends with benefits relationship, or more like enemies with benefits, seeing as I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong.
“Are you guys dating is he an ex or something” Oliver asked again
“No, we aren’t dating, and he isn’t an ex. I thought we were friends, but I don’t know.” I was confused.
“There isn’t definitely something going on between the both of you, with the way his fist is clenched. I’m sure he keeps picturing punching my face..” He spoke with a shiver
“Don’t worry, he won’t do anything to you.” I tried to calm him down
The bell rang at the end of PE. 1 stood up, grabbing my things
“It was nice meeting you; I will text you later.” I said, and we parted ways.
I walked towards Maddie and Sofie and said. “Hey”
seems like someone was having fun Maddie teased while Sohe laughed.
“Oh, Oliver is a nice guy, and things between us aren’t like that. He has his eyes on a certain someone.” I replied, looking at Sofie with a smile. Maddie followed my eyesight while Sofie had a look of shock.
Wall… he likes Sofie Maddie asked
“Yeah, he likes Sofie” I answered, “What do you say, Sobe?”
she had a blush on her face. “He looks like a nice guy, and funny with the way you were laughing she answered
“Great, because Linvited him over to the cabin with us and their eyes widen again.
has coming” Sofie asked, and I guess Oliver wasn’t the only one with a crush.
guess he can come, but I need to ask Dylan first,” Maddie said, and we make ou
In our next class for the day.
bur way to our