Chapter 72
Chapter 72
I can’t be
One missed appointment couldn’t mean that I was
Shit, Bree!
Despite the warmth the living room felt, an uncomfortable chill settled over my skin as I moved away from the front door.
Evelyn had left just a couple of minutes ago and yet I still couldn’t process everything. It all felt like a dream. At this point I wished Sofie and Maddie were here with me and not half way across the country.
I shivered even as the light bulb in the ceiling found my tightly clenched fingers, the heat not yet chasing away the goosebumps.
What was i going to do? How could I have been so reckless?
I had been so occupied with school and work that I had forgotten one crucial piece of information. This wasn’t the first time I had forgotten my appointment with my doctor. That was why I made sure to always set a timer, but after my last doctor’s appointment, I had been so preoccupied with school projects that I had forgotten to do so.
What was I going to do!
What is the possibility
having a child grow in met Hayden’s and my child.
How would he react to the news!
My eyes trailed down to the time on my phone, and I grimaced. He was going to be back any moment from now, and the urge to run took a hold of me. Anything to avoid this.
As if on cue, the front door opened, and Hayden walked in, his hands filled with our meal. A slow smile carved his handsome face when his eyes settled on me. Every time I laid eyes on him, it was like the first time all over again. Goosebumps raced across my skin.
“Y–you’re back early.” I managed to get ou
His smile stretched even more. “Told you I was going to get back as fast as I can.” He chuckles, placing our food on the centre table. “I can’t seem to stay away
from you, not even for a second. Which makes me wonder how I managed to survive staying away from you for months?
I mustered up a fake smile, watching him bring out the food from the bag before placing it gently on the table.
Our eyes met briefly, and that was all it took for my heart to start speeding
I stood still, clenching onto the shirt i had on for dear life, not sure if I was breathing or not..
“Are you going to stand there and stare at me all night?”
I drew in a stuttered breath. “Um. What
“What’s wrong?” Hayden asks, walking over to where I stood. “Did your conversation with Evelyn not go so well? Why do you look pale? Are you coming down with a flu?” He placed a hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.
“I’m not sick.” At least not the kind of sickness he thinks. “My conversation with Evelyn went well. I say to him, grabbing a hold of has hand that was placed on my forehead.
What is it then? You were a
were all bubbling and happy when I left barely an hour ago. But now your mood seems to dampen Tell me, love
I swiped my tongue across my lips nervously. “L.I.Fin just starving. I haven’t had anything to eat all day.” I find myself saying instead of relling
him the truth
he get this ready then.” He walks over to the kitchen and several minutes later returns with a plate and a glass of water, which he sets before
the table. Steam rose as he placed three tacos on the plate, but now I wasn’t tempted by the offering. Not when I was too unsettled.
ayden sat in a chair diagonally to me, not before handing me my plate, then proceeded to gulp his food down while I played with mine.
“Hayden,” I began softly.
Chapter 72
“What is n?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. Probably having heard the worry in my voice!
“I wanted to talk to you.”
He stretched his big body, placing his plate back on the table. The half–eaten food in front of us now forgotten.
“What is it you wa
is it you want to talk about?”
“Uuid simply.
His eyes grew wary and filled with anxiousness. It was clear as day that he was getting nervous as to what my next words would be. My chest aching
all the more.
Maybe it had to do with the look on my face or how he could tell something was wrong right from the moment he walked in.
I was tempted to save the discussion for another day, but I had to tell him about the possible thought of being pregnant because I was scared of finding out alone. He was the only one I could rely on now. I couldn’t call Maddie or Sofle due to time difference.
As the moments grew longer, my anxiety heightened.
“What’s going on. Gabriella? Hayden questioned as he walked to where I sat
His closeness nearly unhinged me. I scooted a bit on my seat in an effort to put distance between them. “Are you sure you’re not coming down with something! You seem to grow pale by the second. I think we should.”
“I think I might be pregnant.” My eyes were squinted shut as I muttered these words, not sure if I was ready to gauge what his reaction to this news would be
The room was welcomed with dead silence and not a word from Hayden that I was beginning to think he might not have heard what I said. Or was he just too stunned to sprak
Slowly 1 opened my eyes, and sure enough, his eyes were wide open and his lips parted in shock, and my lungs lurched.
“What did you say?”
I licked my lips, panic threatening to overtake me. “I think I might be pregnant!” I said again. “I have been feeling a little nauseous and fatigued. I didn’t really think much of it and thought maybe I was probably tired due to school stress. But that might not be the case.” Silener passed between us as I waited for him to process everything I had said “I’m sorry. I had been so careless and had totally forgotten about my appointment…”
“This is not your fault, Bree.” Hayden was quick to say, “It takes two to tango. So don’t go blaming yourself.”
Hayden fell silence for a moment and i could feel my anxiety grow by the second wondering what he was thinking about.
“Marry me. He leaned in close to me and cupped my chin
“what?” My voice croaked, wondering if I had heard him correctly or not,
“Marry me, Bree.” He says again, lening me know that I had heard entrectly the first time.
“You’re joking, right?” I asked, praying deeply that he was
As much as I hoped for the day I get to walk down the aisle, taking up his last name and starting a family together. There was no way I was going to say yes to his proposal, not when it was probably fuelled by his act of responsibility Because he probably thinks he this was the right thing to do
“No Hayden,” I said, pushing away from him. “I know you feel like this might be the right thing to do, but no. We aren’t even certain yet and still need to take the test to know if I am or not.”
It doesn’t change anything” He responds calmly, closing the gap between us once again. I have always envisioned a life with you and starting a family with you. It doesn’t matter if it’s now or later, as long as it’s you. Bree. I love you so much, much more than life itself. Because you are my lifeline
“Hayden.” I whispered, biting at the wall of my lips. “T’m terrified. We have so much ahead of us having a baby now. I..I don’t know…” The pan began settling at the pit of my stomach, slowly making it’s way up
the for me. Bree. Breathe, love” I tried taking a deep breath to calm myself, following his instructions and feeling myself beginning to relax.
sn’t the right time to have a baby
We will figure it out.” He says again, and I wonder how he can be so calm about this whole ordeal. “Having a baby doesn’t mean the end of the world. I know we are going to work it out”
Chapter 72
I clutched his hand, then looked down at our linked fingers. “Do you think in? What if we don‘)?” Fear rose in my chest, tightening my throat uncomfortably as I struggled to breathe.
Hayden reached out a hand to touch my face. “You need to keep calm, Bree, First we are going to have to check to see if you are really pregnant or not. We are in this together, you and 1. And I’m not planning on going anywhere. Tears knotted in my throat and stung my eyes as I nodded.
I really did wish his won gave me more reassurance than they did. Instead of comfort, confusion and uncertainty rose sharply in my chest until I feared smothering with the anxiety
“Wait here, I can run out to the pharmacy and get a test kit.” He says as he begins to walk away from me, but I grab a hold of his arm, halting his
Hayden turned to look at me, worry hitching in that handsome face of his. “I think I will like to get it myself.”
“i would like to go for a walk, it might clear up my thoughts,”
Then let me come with you.”
Sweat broke out on my forehead, and the food I’d picked at just moments ago rolled in my stomach. “No, I would like to be alone for a moment,” I say to him before getting to my feet, picking up my phone as I ditched out the door.