Chapter 895
“Mrs. Houston, your room is this way.” The maid led Debra to a lavishly decorated guest
Even for a seasoned socialite like Debra, the opulence of the guest room was staggering
She couldn’t help but mentally tally the cost of the furnishings, which easily surpassed eight figures. The Eaton family was indeed wealthy.
“Mrs. Houston, the doctor will be here shortly. Please wait here, and I’ll bring you some tea, “the maid said politely before exiting the room
Debra heard a commotion from the adjacent room..
“Where are my shoes? My clothes? And my Doraemon pillow that I sleep with every night? I was only gone for three days, and you guys stole my crystal?”
The voice rang a bell, and she stood up.
The maid quickly reassured her, “Mrs. Houston, our young master is a bit eccentric. Please don’t mind him. The doctor will be here soon, and we’ll arrange for someone to escort you back.”
“Who are you calling eccentric?” A man’s voice came, causing the maid to shrink.
Just then, the family doctor entered the room. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. It was none other than William.
“How many jobs do you have in a month?” Debra asked, genuinely curious.
William was equally surprised to see Debra. “I…”
He could be everywhere if duty called.
Before Debra could ask more, a commotion erupted outside the door.
She quickly realized that Marion was still waiting outside. He must have seen all the guests leaving without her and decided to storm the place.
Ignoring the pain in her ankle, she rushed out of the room. As she reached the second- floor hallway, she saw Marion and his men downstairs.
They were standing respectfully behind him, not causing too much of a scene. However, the butler was being cornered.
Carter glanced at Bert and noted his displeasure. “Mr. Houston, what is the meaning of this?”
“I’ve come to take my wife home. She’s been gone for too long,” Marion replied calmly.
Chapter 195
Carter was about to respond when Bert interjected, “Mrs. Houston accidentally cut her ankle on some glass. I was having the doctor tend to her wound. I intended to send her
home afterward, but it seems that it won’t be necessary!!
Marion tensed up at the news. Debra, sensing the tension, called out from the second floor, “Marion, I’m up here.”
Marion immediately looked up and saw Debra descending the stairs. He rushed to her side, supporting her as he examined her injured ankle. The cut was deep and worrying.
“Is this how the Eaton family treats its guests?” Marion demanded.
Debra squeezed Marion’s hand, signaling him not to make a scene.
Just then, William rushed down the stairs. “Mrs. Houston’s injury is minor. I’ve examined. it, and it’s just a small cut. It won’t leave a scar.
Chapter 82