My husband, Antonio Kaufman, wanted me to participate in Eloise’s clinical trial for a drug she had been working on. She was his first love.
After refusing several times, he secretly swapped my medication with the experimental drug used in the trial.
At first, I didn’t notice any changes, nothing was out of place, but then I started to feel the effects.
It turned out the side effects were so severe that I suffered a brain hemorrhage. His first love, Eloise Pitts, couldn’t handle it.
So the hospital demanded that Eloise stop her research, and Antonio was asked to perform a surgery on me, but he decidedly refused.
He quickly denied it all, “The brain hemorrhage is due to the patient’s personal condition. Eloise’s experimental drug is irrelevant to this. I’m the patient’s husband and went to the same medical school as Eloise. I can vouch for her.”
I remember how Eloise pretended to be my friend when my husband introduced her to me, making me believe she had no interest in him.
Over the years, I turned a blind eye to every affectionate gesture they had for each other, and I thought it was only because of their long friendship.
Lately, I thought he was being distant with me because I did something wrong, or because he was so busy with work, but the truth was he was with her all the time.
“You’re not going to operate on me?” I asked, my face half–paralyzed.
reaching out my hand at him.
Antonio slapped my hand away “I’ll leave it to Eloise. It will provide the final data for her thesis.”
His words woke me to the harsh reality–I was just a guinea pig for his beloved Eloise
He secretly swapped my medication with Eloise’s experimental drug. causing my brain hemorrhage. Now he entrusted my life to Eloise, who had never performed proper surgery
He was definitely out of his mind.
“If you refuse, you’ll die. You know your life is in danger.” Antonio looked at me with cold eyes, unconcerned.
I tried to stay calm but failed, tears streaming down my face.
My condition was too severe to wait for other doctors. Was I really going to die in the hands of my husband’s first love?
Finally, Antonio’s superior persuaded him to operate.
Of course, he was not happy about it, but I knew he was going to do everything he could to save me, or else the name of her precious Eloise would be in ruins.
As I was wheeled into the operating room. Antonio shot me a wicked smirk. It made me feel like something bad was going to happen.
Before the anesthetic took hold. I saw Eloise sway out from behind Antonio. She positioned herself as the lead surgeon, and at that moment, pure fear washed over me.
I felt like screaming but couldn’t..
Then I heard Eloise whisper to me, “Don’t worry. I may not be as skilled as Antonio, but I’ve got this.”
Following her confident words, I watched as Antonio gently wrapped his arm around her waist and said affectionately, “I trust you.”
Then I slipped into unconsciousness and had no idea what would come next. Would I even wake up?
I had very strange dreams; I was confused as I could not feel any part of my body, but I could see all around me.
Many colors bursted through my eyes, and all I was able to see had no sense but it was full of colors.
Was this an effect of the drug I was given to sleep? Or was I dead and this was hell?
Nothing made sense anymore, and in between confusion and panic, I also felt sad and angry at my husband. How could he do this to me?
It wasn’t until I heard a nurse repeatedly reciting my vital signs and felt someone shaking me that I began to wake up.
Someone forcefully opened my eyelids, letting the dazzling white light flood in, and I heard an anxious voice.
“I told you Eloise’s incision was wrong. The patient’s pupils are already dilated Antonio, if you don’t step in, your wife will die on the table.”
Did I hear that right? I was about to die? I was awake and listening to everything!
Almost everyone in the room was urging him.
As my condition worsened, they grew more tense.
Florse stared blankly as blood spurted from my body. I could see in her eves that she was seared, and she did not know how to do this.
She then turned to Antonio with a helpless look, and he reassured her. “You got this. I believe in you.”
The medical team went silent, and they just focused on monitoring my vital signs closely.
With that, my husband stepped back, and only supervised from behind.
I felt panic, and felt helpless. I couldn’t believe how he did not care about my life at all.
After that, I lost consciousness again, only that this time, my strange and psychedelic dreams did not come back. Everything was just black.
Once the surgery was over. I was sent straight to the ICU.