Chapter 935 Please Don’t Turn Me Away Queenie was haunted by unsettling dreams.
Samuel spent the night kneeling in the snow outside his family’s estate, unable to find peace.
Early the next morning, Cecil stepped outside, ready to visit Diana, when he saw Samuel kneeling by the gate.
Snow had blanketed Samuel’s shoulders, frost clinging to his hair and eyelashes. His lips were blue, his face pale as death.
“Samuel, have you completely lost it? What are you doing kneeling out here at this hour? New Year’s is right around the corner, and I’m not about to drag your frozen corpse up a
Samuel, having just returned from Jace Foliot’s hospital room, now fully understood how dangerous Queenie was.
She had single–handedly destroyed the Foliot family, throwing both of Jace’s sons in prison overnight.
“Cecil… I’m sorry. I was wrong. I see that now. I’ll never fight you again. I want to work with you, to build something good together.”
Samuel’s voice was weak, his words trembling with the cold.
Cecil stared at him, frowning. “Come on in before you talk.”
Samuel had no strength left in his legs–he had to drag himself inside.
Chapter 935 Please Don’t Turn Me Away That scene stunned Cecil.
Cecil arched a brow, finding it hard to believe this was happening.
Madam Farley, seated in the living room, looked on in shock.
“What in the world happened to you? Crawling in here like that, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?”
Samuel managed a weak smile, grateful for the warmth of the
“Grandma, I’m sorry. I was so foolish before, always going against Cecil. I won’t do it again.”
Madam Farley didn’t believe a word Samuel said. Yes, he was her grandson, but there was little affection between them.
Samuel’s parents were overly ambitious, and she had never liked either of them.
Madam Farley made her disapproval crystal clear, leaving no: room for doubt.
Cecil called for someone to fetch clean clothes for Samuel.
Samuel obeyed without complaint, heading off to change.
Madam Farley, ever perceptive, turned to Cecil. “What’s gotten into him? What’s this fuss all about? New Year’s is just days
Chapter 935 Please Don’t Turn Me Away away!”
Cecil shrugged. “No idea, Grandma. I opened the door and there he was kneeling, freezing his tail off.”
“Kneeling?” Madam Farley mused. “Nothing’s happened with Wyatt’s family recently, has it?”
Cecil shook his head.
“Not that I know of. After the company’s issues, Uncle Wyatt’s been busy stabilizing things. The business is on solid ground
“Then why was he out there like that? It doesn’t make sense,” Madam Farley muttered, clearly puzzled. This was out of character, even for Samuel.
Cecil could only shrug again. “I’m as clueless as you are.”
Madam Farley’s concern lingered. Queenie’s recent takedown of the Foliots had rattled her, leaving her wary of foolish moves from members of her family that could jeopardize her legacy..
She had built a life of achievements, her accolades proudly displayed on the walls upstairs.
Her loyalty lay with Cecil, her chosen heir. Everything she had worked for would go to him.
And of all her grandchildren, only Cecil cared for her with sincerity.
Chapter 935 Please Don’t Turn Me Away
Samuel soon returned, looking more like himself after changing into warm clothes.
He dried the frost from his hair with a towel, limping slightly ast he joined his grandmother.
Madam Farley’s gaze hardened. “Samuel, what were you doing. kneeling at the door? What’s going on?”
Without warning, Samuel dropped to his knees again.
“Grandma, please. From now on, let’s all stick together as a family.”
Madam Farley’s brows shot up in surprise. Was this genuine repentance or just a desperate act?
“What’s this about? You used to go on about taking over the whole family. Look at everything you’ve done–fighting your cousin, undermining us. Why should I believe a word you say now?”
Samuel felt a deep sense of shame. Back then, he had been so ignorant, so blind to reality.
He’d never faced the highs and lows that life could throw at
Everything had always gone smoothly for him, and he’d convinced himself he was invincible.
But now, he could see the truth–how painfully average he really
Chapter 935 Please Don’t Turn Me Away
With his parents there to shield him, life had been easy. But without them? If he were hit with real challenges, he knew he’d crumble, utterly unprepared.
Each stumble on life’s path was a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.
Fighting through the pain in his knees, Samuel recounted the events
of the previous night to Madam Farley and Cecil.
Both were outraged by what they heard.
Cecil’s eyes burned with anger. “Samuel, it’s only because Diana is merciful that you’re still here. Waking up now is better than never. But Queenie won’t stop, so tread carefully. She was using you, and she won’t let you off the hook easily.”
Samuel nodded eagerly. “I understand, Cecil. I was blind before, but not anymore. I came here because I want to rebuild with you. Let’s stand together. Please, don’t turn me away.”