Chapter 0106
I briefly considered saying no, I was not Hazel, but I didn’t want to be rude.
“I am,” I said, my voice coming out less enthusiastically than I had intended. I forced myself to smile.” You must be Robert!”
He stood and pulled out the chair across from him for me. “I am,” he said. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“Thank you,” I said as I sat in the chair. He tried to help me push it back in, but the chair wouldn’t budge, so I finally scooted it in to avoid further awkwardness. At least he’s a gentleman, I thought. A lot of guys! had been on dates with were not.
He returned to his seat. “You must be close to my daughter’s age,” he said.
I froze for a moment, my eyes growing wide. Was that really the first thing he said to me? Of all the ice breakers he could have gone with, that was maybe in the top ten of the worst options.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized after seeing the look on my face. “It’s been quite sometime since I’ve gone on a date. Until a year ago, I was married to the love of my life,” he gave me a sad smile.
heart broke for him. I felt like an ass. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I said. “How long were you married?”
“Fifty–three years,” he said, a small smile on his lips. “But you didn’t come here to hear about her.”
“I don’t mind,” I said, giving him an encouraging smile. Honestly, it would be better talking about his marriage than date–things that might give this poor man any hope that there’d be a second date. “How did you guys meet?”
And so, for the next hour while we ate, I learned everything there was to know about Robert and his late wife Louise. How they met when they worked as counselors at a summer camp, and how it was love at first sight. How they married soon after, much to her father’s dismay. How they went on to have five children, two boys and three girls, who all still lived nearby. And finally, how she had gotten cancer the year prior, and how it took her quickly.
I wiped my eyes when he finished telling his story. It was so beautiful and heart–wrenching and touching. It was the kind of love I yearned for.
“That’s such a beautiful story.” I said finally. “I can tell you really loved her.”
He nodded wistfully. “I did,” he said. “Do. I don’t think I ever find anyone that could take her place.”
His hands were folded on the table. I reached out and placed one of my hands over one of his. He wiped away a tear with his free hand.
“Ah, well
well, shall we go? It it quite past my bedtime,” he gave a small chuckle.
I nodded. We walked out of the restaurant and he took one of my hands and gave it a small peck
“You were a lovely dinner companion,” he said.
Ugh. If only he were 50 or so years younger. He was sweet. “So were you. I enjoyed it,” I smiled at him.
He walked me to my car and once I was settled in, he walked over to his. I pulled my phone out of my purse. I found Rachel’s number and pushed call.
“Done already?” She said as soon as she answered the phone.
“Yeah, I’m surprised he even wanted to eat dinner past 4 pm,” I said,
“Okay, before you get mad at me…” Rachel started.
1 just can’t figure out how you thought someone older than my dad was the perfect man for me?”
1 don’t know, he’s sweet, he’s kind of a homebody… and he’s loaded. I thought you could benefit from someone like him,” she said.
She wasn’t wrong. I softened. “You’re right, I do appreciate you trying. He doesn’t seem quite ready to date yet, however.”
“Well don’t worry, I have some other guys in mind for you. I think Megan does too. Are you free tomorrow night?”
I’m always free,” I muttered.
“Great! Don’t worry, we’ll find you someone better for tomorrow,” she said.
By the time I woke up the next day, Megan and Rachel had done even better than that: they found me four more dates for the rest of the weekend.
“Good lord,” I said after Rachel called to tell me the news.
I know it sounds like a lot,” Rachel said. “But this is a great way to dip your toes into the dating pool, figure out what you like.”
“This is more than a dip, this is a cannonball.”
She ignored me. “Want to come over before your first one tonight? We can help you get ready.”
“As long as I’m allowed to wear underwear tonight,” I said.
“No promises,” she said. “See you tonight!”
“See ya,” I said unenthusiastically. I was thankful that my friends were being so helpful with this, but four different dates in 48 hours sounded exhausting. I was too introverted for this shit.
Sunday evening finally rolled around, and I found myself waiting for date number four outside of Chianti at 6:45. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, careful to not touch my eyes and mess up the makeup Rachel had applied a couple hours earlier. I didn’t have much hope for this date, but statistically speaking, at least one of these dates should at least be okay enough that I don’t find myself wanting to leave fifteen
minutes in.
I reflected on dates 1-3 while I waited. I’d been on bad dates before, but these really took the cake.
Date number one talked the entire time about himself Literally. He did not ask me a single question about myself or stop his stream of words long enough for me to interject anything. I wanted to take a
Chapter 0106
three day nap after he finally let me leave.
Date number two was at Chickadee’s, which I should have known meant it was going to be the worst. At one point the guy wildly mispronounced the name of an alcohol. When the poor confused bartender said he didn’t think they had that kind, the guy spotted it on the shelf and proceeded to berate the bartender for being “a lazy dumbass.” I went to the bathroom right after that and seriously considered sneaking out of the bar and running home.
Date number three insisted on meeting me at 7am for a morning hike. I told him I like to sleep in on the weekends and suggested 9 instead, and he just laughed at me. When I didn’t show up at the god–awful earlier time, he proceeded to message me once per minute starting at promptly 7am until I finally just turned the damn phone off. So I guess that doesn’t technically count as a date, since I slept in instead.
I looked at my watch again, 6:55. We weren’t supposed to meet until 7. I hoped for a quick in and out so I could go home and salvage what was left of my weekend.
“Hazel?” I heard from behind me. I closed my eyes and sighed before I turned, ‘bracing myself for whatever fresh hell this next date was going to bring.
But nothing prepared me for what I saw when I did turn. I gasped.