Chapter 0117
I groaned and showed Maria the message. She covered her mouth with her hand,
“He did hear us talking about our plans,” she said. “I can’t believe he would do that!”
“I can,” I muttered. I don’t know what had gotten into him lately, but I sure was tired of it.
“Don’t worry,” Maria said. “I’ll keep an eye out for him and run interference.”
At that moment, three very handsome men in their mid- to late thirties walked up to us.
“We heard you had a bet going to see how many drinks you could have bought for you?” One of them said, looking back and forth between Maria and I.
“That would be her,” Maria said with a smile.
I looked past the men and saw Rachel smiling at us. She gave me a wink.
“We’d love to buy you a round. What’s your poison?” Another said.
Eric had heard this and turned from the second girl he’d found to talk to. “Hey!” He looked back at Rachel, who turned and hid her face when he did. “This game is rigged!”
Maria and I laughed.
“Oh, is that the asshole you’re up against?” The third man said, pointing to Eric.
“It is,” I said.
“I’m buying you two drinks then,” he winked at me.
Eric groaned. “Thank you for that,” he said to the man. He looked at me. “That’s my brother,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Ha!” Maria said. She high–fived the brother.
“So what’s the score now? His brother asked.
“I believe that’s 6 for Hazel, and 1 for…” Maria narrowed her brow.
“Eric,” he muttered. “And yes. Only one for me.”
I put my hand over my heart. “Let me buy you one,” I said to him.
“I don’t want your pity drink, I’m winning this fair and square,” he said, then softened. “But thank you, that’s really sweet.”
I smiled as I watched him look for another person that might possibly buy him a drink.
“She likes buttery nipple shots,” Maria told the three men in front of us. My cheeks burned. I really wished there was a different name for that shot. Unfortunately it was really the only shot I knew by name.
“You got it.” Eric’s brother said, and the three of them walked over to the bartender. They came back a few minutes later with four shots for me and one for each of them and Maria,
“Hey, maybe I should get in on this bet,” Maria said before she downed hers.
Chapter 0117
“Mm, I need a DD,” I said, taking each of my shots. The three men gawked at me.
“Impressive,” one of them finally said.
“No, it’s not. She’s a lightweight, you’ll see,” Maria said.
She wasn’t wrong. I was already beginning to feel a little spacey and dizzy and light–headed. I suppressed a giggle. I was a giggler when I got drunk and I didn’t want them to know their shots had hit me so fast.
“Did you buy the two from me yet?” Maria asked.
I shook my head. She held out her hand for the money she’d given me then walked down to the bartender for two more shots. Oh boy, I thought. I’d better sit down for this. I returned to my original stool and sat.
Maria brought me the two shots and leaned in to whisper. “Don’t look now, but Logan just walked in.”
“Ughhhh,” I groaned louder than I intended to. “Let me at that asshole, I’ll give him what for.”
“Shhh,” Maria said. “Let’s use our inside voices.”
“Oh,” I said, grabbing the bar top to keep from swaying. “Was I being loud?”
“Still are,” she said. “I’m going to go talk to him, will you be okay?”
I gave her a big, exaggerated nod. “I’ve got these two shots to keep me company.” I picked them up held them up in the air to show her.
“I’ll be right back,” she said. “Don’t leave this spot.”