Chapter 0143
Chapter 0143
Dylan walked into Hatfield Supply the next morning. He’d almost talked himself out of doing this for Hazel. After all, hadn’t he resolved to stay out of Hazel’s life? She and Logan were all kinds of entangled, and Dylan didn’t much care for being a third–wheel.
But when a beautiful damsel calls you asking for help well, you can’t just say no. So Dylan became ensnared back in Hazel’s web. Honestly, he didn’t hate it. He liked seeing her. And plots like this were fun to carry out.
It was midmorning in the office when Dylan sauntered up to Elena’s desk. She typed away at her computer. Her breasts were on display, barely covered by a too–tight blouse. The middle buttons were holding on for dear life.
Nearby, Maria hovered, watching like a hawk, ready to make her move. All Dylan had to do was draw Elena away.
Dylan had threatened Elena with legal action the last time he was here, so this conversation wasn’t likely to be easy. He figured he had two possible tactics: threaten her, or flirt.
One was more fun than the other.
Pulling on my well–loved playboy grin, he stopped at Elena’s desk, rested my hand over the top of her monitor and leaned forward.
Elena startled, looking up at Dylan first with surprise, then with suspicion. “What do you want?”
“To apologize. I was so… rude to you, the last time we met,” Dylan said. He pulled at his cuffs, purposefully flashing his expensive watch. As intended, she looked at it like a shark smelling blood in the water. “I want to make it up to you, God, you are beautiful.”
“Mm, I was hoping you might come around. You’re a lawyer, right?”
“A successful one,” Dylan added. “Maybe we can go somewhere more private to talk for a moment. I have a proposal for you, you might be interested in hearing.
Elena pressed her arms together tightly, pressing her breasts up even higher. “I know just the place.”
The place she had in mind was a supply closet. As soon as they entered, she turned to Dylan and placed her hands on his chest.
“Tell me about your proposal,” she said, pouting her lower lip.
Dylan smirked. “Have you ever considered owning a timeshare?” He never had any intention of kissing this woman. She’d been such a bitch to Hazel. Even with her breasts on display, he felt nothing but resentment for her.
Dylan spent the next five solid minutes talking to Elena about the benefits of shared property. He could have gone on for longer. He knew exactly how these sales pitches worked. He spent a lot of time trying to get clients out of their time share contracts, so he knew the verbiage.
Elena’s face went from confused to annoyed. “This is your proposal?”
Chapter 0143
Dylan shrugged. “You seem like you enjoy the beach.”
Elena pushed past him and out of the closet. Dylan slowly followed her back to her desk. By now, Maria was back at her own desk.
“I’ll pass,” Elena snapped as she sat down. She pushed her mouse around, but her computer seemed locked up.
“Trouble?” Dylan asked.
“Nothing for you to worry about,” she snapped.
Dylan shrugged as he walked back to the elevator. Mission accomplished.
As I stepped off the elevator, all of my co–workers turned to look at me. I could hear their whispers.
“What is she doing here?”
“Wasn’t she suspended?”
I didn’t let them get to me. I walked with confident straight to Logan’s office.
Sabrina stood at my approach and tried to step into my path.
“You shouldn’t be here – Hey!”
I sidestepped her and opened Logan’s door. He looked up from his desk. Seeing me, his brow pulled together in confusion, “Hazel?”
“I didn’t send Mr. Hanson to the hospital,” I said. I dropped a manila folder of evidence on his desk. “And I can prove it.”