Chapter 0156
“She didn’t!” Maria gasped so hard, she very nearly spilled her wine. The wine bar was rowdy tonight so no one seemed to notice. “Sabrina stole it right out of your desk?”
“Thank God for the cameras,” Rachel said.
“Too bad it didn’t save you from having to dumpster dive,” Megan added.
“Tell me about it,” I grumbled. “I had to take two showers to stop smelling like trash.”
“I’m sure Logan appreciated you commitment,” Maria said, grinning.
I shook my head at her. “He was acting weird all afternoon, after I got back. He had me move my desk back near his door, but that was it. I know he could have used my help. I saw him entering appointments on the digital calendar. I don’t know why he didn’t say anything…”
“He’s a CEO,” Megan reasoned. “I’m glad he’s not totally helpless. Else you’d have too much work on your hands.”
“I agrée,” Rachel added. “Better he can take care of himself some. Besides, are you complaining about having too little to do? He’s been overworking you for months!”
I guessed that was true. Maybe my gauge of appropriate work balance was skewed lately, since I had been putting in so many extra hours at the office.
But I still didn’t like this side of him that felt he couldn’t depend on me to, at the very least, complete clerical tasks for him. Had Sabrina poisoned his opinion on assistants? Or was I the one at fault? Did he just feel like he couldn’t trust me anymore?
Maria places a finger right between my brows and pushes. “Stop that worrying or you’ll get wrinkles.”
“It’s just weird… isn’t it?” I asked her. Maria would understand better than our other friends. She worked in the office. She knew how demanding Logan typically was.
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” she said with a shrug. “Instead use this rare opportunity to do something for yourself. Like thinking about things that are more important.”
“You are such a workaholic,” Rachel said. “You’ve been letting everything else fall to the wayside.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked. I still spent time with my friends. Still cared about my personal hygiene and my health. Granted, I was still couch hopping at the moment, afraid to–go home, but I had some appointments lined up for next week to look at apartments for myself.
With my new position, the new checks were starting to come in at last. It looked like I might be able to actually afford a life on my own again with roommates, granted. But as long as those roommates weren’t my parents or my sister, I could cope.
“Dylan,” Megan said helpfully, “He helped you out without wanting a thing in return. This guy has it down had for you.”
Oh. They were talking about my love life. Okay, fair. It was in shambles at the moment.
“Between the whole Vegas thing, and everything with Logan… Things are complicated with Dylan.” They knew about this. Well, most of it. I hadn’t been too forthcoming with Dylan’s strange behavior at our last
Chapter 0156
He hadn’t contacted me since then. Granted, I hadn’t contacted him either.
“So un–complicate them,” Rachel said. “He’s a nice guy. He’s not married. He’s not your boss.”
“Yeah… but… I’ve put him through too much.”
“And he hasn’t left.” Megan added.
So they were all on the pro–Dylan team. I looked at Maria, to see her opinion.
“He’s a good guy,” she said with a shrug. “You have to follow your heart, but… you’d be crazy to pass him by, Hazel.”
Dylan sat on his leather couch at home and sipped on some brandy. In his free hand, he held the copy of the photo Logan had given him when he had been set to track down Logan’s wife.