Chapter 0172
“It’s a little late for a social call, Logan,” Logan’s grandfather said, voice crisp and alert. As Logan had suspected, his grandfather sounded like he hadn’t been to bed yet.
“My apologies, grandfather. But I felt this too important to wait. And, as it relates to a personal matter, I didn’t want to waste company time.”
“Out with it then,” grandfather said,
Logan had been preparing for this conversation all evening, so he inhaled deeply, gathering his courage, and said, “1 want to stop dating for now.”
“Who did you meet?” grandfather asked.
Logan wanted to tell him about Hazel. How great and beautiful she was. But two things held him back. One, Hazel was a subordinate, and a secretary at that. Grandfather wouldn’t approve of such a match. And two, giving Hazel’s name would put her in his grandfather’s sights.
He would do background checks and would likely send private investigators to follow her. Logan would not put her in that kind of limelight until he had time to prepare her.
“No one,” Logan lied. “I just want to take a break.”
“You’ve only just started.” Grandfather’s voice was thick with disapproval.
“I know, but ”
“You have a responsibility to this family, Logan. You are the heir to a great legacy. We need to ensure that the line continues. If you are out flitting around with your dalliances…”
“It’s not like that. I just want some more time.”
“You’ve had enough time. We’ve entrusted that CEO position to you, Logan. Do not disappoint me and your parents by shirking your responsibilities now. We took a risk placing you where you are. If you make us look bad…”
“I won’t.” Shame rose up Logan’s throat. His grandfather made it seem as if Logan only received this job because his last name was on the signage. In truth, Logan had worked hard to be where he was. Hist grandfather and parents did little to acknowledge his achievements though.
Only ever did Logan hear about his duty to his last name.
The frustration from this endless argument gave Logan the strength he needed to speak up.
“I’m not asking for forever,” Logan said. “Just a few months.”
In that time, he could prepare Hazel for what it would be like to be scrutinized by his family. Then, he would come out with their relationship and end this discussion forever.
Grandfather was quiet for a great long while. When he finally spoke, it was with annoyance clear in his voice.
“Do not make me regret this.”
It was unclear whether grandfather meant placing Logan in his work position as CEO or giving Logan his
Chapter 0172
requested time off from dating. Before Logan could ask, grandfather hung up.
Logan looked at his phone in disbelief.
Well, all things considered, that did go better than he expected. Grandfather only chewed him out a little. And it seemed like Logan was going to get the few months he requested.
All’s well that ends well… right?
The divorce documents came with a court date that was set for only a handful of days later. I grew increasingly more and more nervous as that date came closer.
Logan made several calls to other attorneys, but he ended up telling me, “We will simply go to the court *and explain to the judge that we no longer wish to continue the divorce.”
That didn’t seem like the best idea to me, but I trusted Logan’s judgement.
The morning of the court appearance, we both left work early and drove to the courthouse together. As Logan’s secretary, no one thought much of me leaving with him to some out–of–office endeavor.
After parking, we spotted Dylan standing near the entrance of the courthouse, at the top of the stairs.
“Dylan!” Logan called and hurried to catch up with him.
Dylan didn’t look back as he entered the courthouse.
Dylan knew pushing the divorce proceedings was not just selfish, it was also against his moral and ethical code. Logan and Hazel both seemed to want to stay married, even knowing now that they were married to each other.
It stung. All of it stung.
And Dylan was ashamed of himself for letting his jealousy and hurt drive him this far. He could be reprimanded for this. He probably should be.
Never before had he let his affections for a woman – any woman – come in the way of his duties as an officer of the law.
But he’d never met anyone like Hazel before. And he’d never had someone like Hazel be stolen by his supposedly best friend.
The entire s
situation was a burn that wouldn’t heal, searing him again and again, every time he thought of it.
Could he tell one or both of them that they could cancel the divorce proceedings whenever they want? Yeah. And he probably should.
-But, in truth, he was hoping they would be too passive to make a move.
While they were married, Dylan didn’t hope to have a shot with Hazel. But if they were divorced…
God, when did he get so selfish?
But he was. He was.
So when he heard Logan’s voice calling him at the base of the staircase as Dylan was about to go into the building, Dylan’s heart sank.
Chapter 0172
Logan wasn’t being passive this time, it seemed. Maybe Logan could see how special Hazel was, same as Dylan did.
Or maybe Logan was just a possessive bastard who didn’t want anyone else to have Hazel, even if they were a more suited match for her than he was.
Dylan ignored Logan and pushed into the building. He went through security and then found his courtroom. If the judge would hurry up, then maybe this could be over before Logan found the correct
Dylan hoped and prayed, watching the seconds tick by
*Too soon, he heard Logan once more, “Dylan. Jesus. Wait a minute.”
Dylan sighed. No escaping this then. He glanced over to see Logan approach. And who should be in his shadow but Hazel herself.
Why drag her into this?
“What the hell is going on?” Logan demanded. “You haven’t been answering any of our calls.”
I’m doing my job, aren’t I?” Dylan said coolly. “The one you both wanted me to do. I’m getting you divorces you wanted so much.”
“We don’t want them anymore…” Hazel said.
“I told you, it’s too late,” Dylan said.
“Bullshit,” Logan snapped. He narrowed his eyes at Dylan. Dylan narrowed his right back. “I know you are lying, Dylan. What I want to know is why?”
“I’m doing what you wanted,” Dylan said again.
“You are doing this for yourself,” Logan said.
Dylan opened his mouth to reply, but then the judge came in. Everyone stood as the judge took their place in the front of the room. Then, when everyone sat back down, the bailiff approached Logan and Hazel to demand they find their seats.
Hazel looked at Logan. Why look at him for answers, when Dylan was the lawyer here?
Another slice into his chest, another unfair moment.
Why couldn’t Hazel see him the way she saw Logan?
“Sit down,” Dylan told them. “We’ll talk after the proceedings.”
“There won’t be any proceedings,” Logan said. He faced the judge. “Your honor, if I may, I have an unusual but necessary request.”
“Which is?” the judge asked. He already seemed annoyed at this break in decorum.
Logan lifted his chin, prouder than Dylan had ever seen him.
“Let me stay married to my wife.”