Chapter 0210
“Susan,” I told the client, softening my voice. If the company line wouldn’t work, what choice did I have but honesty? Maybe I could still soften the blow though. “Upper management has shifted some things around and there are some learning pains, But I assure you it’s not as dire as you think.”
It’s worse, I didn’t say that part.
“I trust you, Hazel. We’ve been with your company a long time, so for old times‘ sake, we will continue our accounts. But because of that long term relationship, I feel like I can tell you… We are watching.”
“I appreciate the heads‘ up, Susan. Truly.”
After hanging up, I leaned back in my chair. With employees leaving in droves, of course we wouldn’t be able to keep the employee unhappiness under wraps for long.
The people had enough. It wouldn’t be long before a handful of disgruntled employees went Hell, it would only take one for the lid to blow off of this thing.
to the press.
And then where would Logan be? As CEO, he would take the brunt of the blame, even if the orders had come down from the board and his grandfather.
As CEO, Logan had to be our advocate against the higher–ups.
Maybe I needed to talk to him again. If I explain this conversation with the client, maybe he will see that there is cause for action.
If these new standards persisted, the company would start losing more than just employees soon. Clients would follow. Then, profits.
Could the board not predict their own destruction? Or was their desire to punish me for thinking about my station cause enough for them to self–destruct?
Pushing away from my desk, I stood with renewed purpose and stormed toward Logan’s office. His door was closed, but I threw it open without knocking.
Two steps inside his door, the world shifted, suddenly off–kilter. Dizzy, I wobbled on my feet.
Why was I so lightheaded?
“Hazel,” Logan said gruffly. “You know better than to march in here without
“Logan,” I mumbled weakly.
He looked up from his paperwork. Immediately, his face paled and he stood. He started toward me.
I didn’t know if he made it before I blacked out.
When I blinked my eyes open, I was resting outstretched on the couch in the corner of Logan’s office. He
was kneeling on the ground beside me, searching my face with worry in his eyes.
“What happened?” I asked. I started to stand, but he eased me back down onto the couch.
“You passed out.”
I touched my head, but other than a general fogginess there, I didn’t feel a discomfort anywhere. Logan must have caught me before I hit the floor.
“When was the last time you ate?” he asked, voice gentle.
I tried to think back. 7 can’t remember.”
“Lunch?” he asked.
I shook my head. 1 skipped it. I had a conference call.
“I got here at 5 this morning. The coffee shop I stop at usually didn’t have their baked goods ready yet. Now that I thought about it, I couldn’t remember if I had eaten last night either. I’d been so tired, that I’d gone right to bed as soon as I slunk through the door to my apartment.
But I must have eaten at some point?
“Oh,” I said, remembering. “I had a chicken wrap for lunch yesterday. Maria went to grab us lunch.”
Logan’s face grew tighter. “You hadn’t eaten since yesterday lunchtime?”
I nodded.
Sitting back on his heels, he exhaled long and slow. His gaze drifted to the side as he considered. something – his thoughts, most likely.
When he finally brought his gaze back to me, a spark of determination ignited there.
“Hazel. I think you should quit.”