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The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 243

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 243

Chapter 243 

With each passing day, James was growing up quickly, showing it not just in his size but also in how he was gradually developing his own personality

At the moment, James was going through his first rebellious phase,as the grandparents called it. Now at six months old, he was more aware of his surroundings and often tried to put everything he touched into his mouth to relieve the terrible itching in his gums

That morning, he woke up as usual, simply opening his eyes without crying and starting to babble while grabbing one of the toys around him

Ahblhe babbled to himself while gnawing on a stuffed bear. But then he felt someone watching him, so he began looking around until he found those blue eyes he loved so much, which made him light up 

with excitement

Good morning, little one,Deborah said, noticing the slightly cheeky behavior of her son

Upon hearing his mother’s voice, James immediately dropped his toy and reached out to be picked up

Deborah laughed at his actions and quickly scooped him up, kissing him on the cheek

Good morning.” 

AhJames tried to touch his mother’s face, laughing as she kissed his tiny hands

Good morning to both of you,Jayden said as he entered the room, making James even more excited. When he reached them, he ruffled Jameshair, which made the little one smile, revealing a big surprise

Woah, James, you have your first teeth!Deborah exclaimed, excitedly noticing the white spots in her son’s gums

Haha, you’ll soon have bunny teeth,Jayden joked, pulling out his phone to take a picture. Mom, Dad, come see! James is a little bunny now.” 

Don’t call him that,Deborah scolded playfully

Believe me, he will be,Jayden said, amused

What’s going on?Eric and Samantha asked as they entered the room

Make James smile, and you’ll see,Jayden suggested

The grandparents agreed and started talking to James to make him laugh. As he did, they spotted the tiny pearls that had appeared in his gums

James didn’t understand what was happening, but he could tell everyone was very happy and excited about making him laugh, and they kept taking pictures of him, which he enjoyed. The best part was that the horrible itching in his mouth was finally gone

Now that he has teeth, he can start eating purees,Samantha said excitedly

Why purees?Jayden asked

Because we need to start with soft, easytodigest foods to gradually accustom his stomach to solids. For now, he’s only had milk and water. According to this baby guide, we can also start giving him some 


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Chapter 243 

natural juice,Deborah explained, showing Jayden the book recommended by the nutritionist

“OhJayden said as he read what she showed him

Eric and Samantha smiled as they watched. They already knew this from experience, but they enjoyed seeing their children learn how to take care of James

So, when will he start talking and walking?Jayden asked excitedly

When he’s about a year old, he’ll start trying to sit up on his own, crawl, and stand,” Deborah explained

And around the same time, you can start encouraging him to talk,” Eric added

What was Jayden’s first word?Deborah asked

Mama,Samantha replied happily

He said papaafter that, but yesshe beat me to it,Eric said, pouting

I’msorry,Jayden said nervously, noticing his father’s sadness

Don’t apologize, son. You spent more time with Samantha since I was at work, so she got the first word.” 

That’s why I’m going to spend more time with my boy, right, James?Jayden said, holding him up so they were face to face. You’re going to say papafirst.” 

James giggled, enjoying being lifted by his father

Is that a bet?Deborah asked, amused

Sounds like a plan,Jayden said with a grin. Butwhat are we betting?” 

How about the loser plans a surprise vacation for everyone?Samantha suggested

I like that plan. How about during the next summer vacation?Deborah proposed, noticing that everyone liked the idea

In that case, we’ve got plans for the future,Eric said, amused

And if we plan it right, it could be at the beach so James can see the ocean for the first time,Samantha said excitedly

This sounds more like a family plan now,Jayden said, laughing

Speaking of family plans,Eric began, we need to take care of something.He signaled the butler, who went to fetch some photo albums

What’s that?Deborah asked

James cooed curiously at the new object. 

Yes, little one, soon you’ll enjoy this event,Eric said

Yes! It’s time!Jayden exclaimed

You see, Deborah, in the Cooper family, we love parties and celebrations. So, every special time of year, we decorate the house,Eric explained

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Chapter 243 

Does that mean” 

It’s time to design this year’s haunted house for the kids,Jayden said happily. When I was little, I loved those haunted houses because I got to play with all the neighbors and my school friends.” 

AhI remember hearing about that haunted house and sometimes seeing photos, but I never got to go,Deborah said as she looked at the photo album

Well, now you’ll not only attend, Deborah, but as Mrs. Cooper, it’s your duty to create a house worthy of horror and fun,Eric declared

James excitedly touched the album

And I know James will continue the tradition of being a cute little pumpkin,Samantha said as she searched for a specific photograph

Tradition?Deborah repeated

Yes, look,Samantha said, showing a photo of a young blonde boy dressed as a pumpkin

Awwwhat an adorable little pumpkin,Deborah said as she hugged her husband. You’ve convinced me to continue the tradition, right, James?” 

James burbled in response

The grandparents smiled and began sharing their ideas for this year’s decorations and games for the kids who would visit, while Deborah eagerly added her own ideas

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The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage


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