Chapter 265
Everyone eagerly scattered through the garden, following their maps to tackle their first challenges. The only one with a personal attendant was Caroline, who had a servant with her in case she needed help or a
Jayden was the first to reach his assigned spot.
“Let’s see..” he said, glancing at his map. “This should be the place. Ah, there you are!” he said, spotting David’s assistant standing next to a white table with some papers.
“Welcome, Blue Team,” the assistant greeted, calling him by his ribbon color. “At this station, we only have riddles for the players.”
“Okay, bring it on,” Jayden said, excited.
“Here’s the riddle Two ducks are in front of a duck, two ducks are behind a duck, and one duck is in the
middle. How many ducks are there?”
Jayden stood there, stunned. “What…”
“Here,” the assistant said, handing him a card with the riddle written on it. “You have three tries, or you
can ask for help”
“No, I can figure it out,” Jayden said, pouting slightly as he tried to solve the riddle. “Um… three?”
“Correct,” the assistant said, giving him a badge and a new note. “Here’s the location of your next station.1
“Yay! Thanks a lot!” Jayden said as he hurried off to find his next clue.
At the same time, George arrived at his first question station.
“Welcome, Green Team. This is a multiple choice station”
“What does that mean?” George asked.
“You can choose between solving a riddle or answering a mystery question.”
“What’s the mystery question about?”
“It’s a random difficulty math problem.”
“Better give me a riddle.”
“What weighs more, a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of feathers?”
“Tron, obviously.”
“What?! Why? I work with metals, and it’s clear which one is heavier.”
“You have one more try, or would you like special help
Ugh… this is what I get for being overconfident. Well.. ask for help,” George said, making a face.
The assistant pressed a button, and a few minutes later, a maid arrived pushing a cart with James.
Chapter 265
“James, can you help your uncle?”
James giggled, waving his hands around.
“James says the answer is two,” the maid announced.
“Eh?” George looked confused at the maid and the child.
“Ah… gaa…
“Now it’s four.”
“…” George was baffled until he figured it out. “Oh! I get it now. The answer is four because there are four words that make up ten–two and two.” He turned to the assistant.
“Wow.. that was tough. Thanks, nephew,” George said, ruffling James’s hair, who giggled in delight.
Everyone continued moving through the various locations around the house, with James strolling through the garden to help anyone who needed it.
After the two–hour mark, all participants were instructed to return to the main mansion to enjoy dinner
“Ha, this game was so much fun. It really made me think,” Eric said, laughing.
“How many did you get, love?”
“Five,” Samantha said, pouting.
“What was the hardest one, Dad?”
“A sum with three identical digits that equals 24, but eight isn’t the number we’re looking for. What number is it?” He looked around at the confused faces. “The answer is two, because it’s 22 plus two.”
“Oh…” everyone responded.
“Your question was tricky, dear, and I faced some tough ones too. That’s why I only got six,” Samantha
“I had an interesting one,” Deborah said. “In a car, there were two mothers and two daughters, but only three passengers. How is that possible?” She noticed everyone pondering. “Easy. They’re a grandmother, mother, and daughter.”
“I had a similar one,” Nicholas said excitedly. “Two fathers and two sons enter a subway station and buy only three tickets. How did they manage that?” he asked, smiling. “Because they’re a grandfather, father, and son.”
“Ha, David really thought these games through,” Christian commented. “I only got three… and you, love…. eh? Love?” He noticed she hadn’t returned yet.
“And Caroline?” Deborah asked, looking at the butler who was helping with the drinks.
“Wow, I really love these kinds of games,” Caroline said, entering the room with the help of a maid.
Chapter 265
“Hey, sorry I’m late. This little guy was fidgeting for a while, so I had to sit down for a few minutes.”
“Oh… you scared me.” Christian said, touching his beloved’s belly. “Thank you,” he said to the maid.
“You’re welcome, sir. It was a pleasure to assist.”
“By the way, look at this,” Caroline said happily, showing that she had collected all the badges.
“What?!” everyone exclaimed.
“And I didn’t even need James’s help,” she said, grinning.
“Ah… gaa…
“Congratulations, young lady,” George said.
“That’s my niece,” Nicholas said proudly.
“Lucky you,” Elliot said.
“And here is the prize for the winner,” David declared, opening the box to reveal a dark chocolate cake with strawberries, decorated with the word “Winner” in white chocolate.
“Yes! Just what I was craving.” Caroline said happily, making everyone laugh.
With that, they moved on to dinner and discussed the riddles they had encountered. The older guests enjoyed their drinks, although they were monitored to ensure they didn’t get too drunk.
That night, everyone settled into their assigned rooms to make the next morning’s preparations smoother.