Chapter 286
Extra 4: Emotional Problems
That shout alarmed everyone, including Eric, who was also shocked by the news.
Naturally, both men left the hospital immediately, heading to the company to see if they could find a solution, as it was impossible that the work of their entire lives had vanished just like that.
Nicholas and Samantha stayed the whole night to look after Deborah and the children, providing emotional support since everyone was shaken by how Jayden and Eric had left.
“Mommy…” Elizabeth was distressed and clung to her.
“Calm down, sweetheart, calm down,” Deborah tried to soothe her little girl, feeling James also hugging
“Samantha, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask for help,” Nicholas said, approaching the older woman to hug and comfort her, as she seemed quite upset.
“Thank you, and yes, we’re going to need help,” Samantha replied, grateful for the show of support.
“Don’t worry, Samantha, you’re not alone,” Deborah said, trying to cheer her up.
“Yes… but…”
“Now it’s our turn to support them,” Nicholas said, noting his daughter’s intentions. She had already told him about her plan.
With that, the adults put the kids to bed on the extra bed in the room and sang to them until they all fell ‘asleep together.
Jayden and Eric spent the entire afternoon and night at the company trying to find a solution to the problem, but there didn’t seem to be light at the end of the tunnel.
They had asked for help and advice from their lawyers and accountants, but they were really in trouble due to the low sales, and in the end, they reached a tragic conclusion.
“Ah… God… I never thought I’d live to see this day,” Eric said sadly, as he had thought he had built something solid that would last for generations. That was why he had been proud of the work and quality his company offered. But now, they were being pushed out by something cheaper and of lower quality, which was a tough blow for him,
“I’m sorry, Dad,” Jayden said sadly, feeling like he had failed him.
“Don’t apologize, son. This isn’t your fault. You’ve always managed the company well.”
“Keep your spirits up, boss. We’ll get through this,” their secretary said, bringing them both a cup of coffee.
The two blond men tried to smile, but the situation didn’t allow it, so they decided to go home and rest a little, as they needed to come to terms with the horrible reality they were facing: they had lost everything.
Jayden looked extremely tired and just wanted to be alone in silence. But when he walked into the house, he was greeted by the cries of a pair of little angels
He was puzzled by the sound, so he ran to his children’s room, surprised to find Deborah there with the
Chapter 206
“Hi, love,” Deborah greeted him as he stood under the door frame.
“Hi… um, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?”
“These little angels were born strong and healthy, so we were discharged a few hours ago,” she explained as she sat in the rocking chair, holding the babies.
“I see. Sorry for not being by your side,” Jayden sald, sitting next to her to see his children, who were calm in their mother’s arms.
“It’s okay, love. You had some important things to take care of.”
“Yes. important things,” he said, grimacing.
“Love, if you want, go rest for a bit. You look awful,” she joked, trying to cheer him up.
“I guess I do look bad,” he said with a laugh before letting out a sigh. “But are you sure?”
“Yes, and Max and Danielle are here too, helping me.”
“Huh?” Jayden was confused until he saw them enter the room.
“That’s right, sir, we’re here to help while you get a little rest,” Danielle said, walking past him with two bottles of warm milk.
“Sir, would you like a massage?” Max suggested, appearing behind Jayden.
“Uh, I don’t…” Jayden started to say, but then he felt Max’s hands begin to knead his shoulders and back, making him feel relaxed. “Ah… yes…
“Stress makes knots in your back, and you need to relax.” Max said.
“Thanks,” Jayden replied.
“Okay, brother, come here,” Danielle said, handing something to Max
Jayden found it strange until he saw Deborah uncovering her breast a little to breastfeed Nicole. He looked up and saw that Max was wearing a blindfold to avoid seeing anything.
Danielle took Michael to give him some formula while his sister ate.
“Sorry for not being much help,” Jayden felt bad that he wasn’t the one helping right then, but he felt drained.
“Don’t worry, love.”
“Hey, what about the bigger siblings?”
“Dad took them to the mall because they said they wanted to buy something for their little siblings.”
“Oh.. shopping…”
“Don’t worry, love. Grandpa’s paying for this outing.”
“Yes… um…. I’ll go lie down for a bit since we were up all night,” he said, standing up and walking over to her to kiss her on the lips.
Chapter 286
“Alright, rest well,” she said, smiling at him.
Jayden went to their bedroom, and as soon as his body hit the mattress, he fell asleep.
“The boss looks bad,” Diana commented, making a face when she saw Jayden leave the room.