Chapter 0322
At one end of the bar, Dylan had led the drunk man outside on the promise of more alcohol, and then returned alone.
On the other end of the bar, Logan and Tina seemed to be at a standoff, neither giving an inch of their pride. I believed in Logan’s ability to handle this, but with each passing moment, my annoyance at the situation was growing.
Just because I trusted Logan to handle this situation, didn’t mean he should have to alone.
We w
were a pair now. A set. A team.
He needed to realize that.
“Are you going over there?” Maria asked.
I was already shuffling out from the back seat of the table.
“I’ll hold the table,” Maria said. As I started to walk away, she called, “Give her hell!”
Fired up, I walked right up to Tina, standing beside her on the opposite side as Logan. While Logan faced forward toward the bar, I turned right to Tina.
Logan could fight the drunkards and the guys, but he would never strike a
a woman.
I did not have that same hindrance.
“You should leave, Tina,” I said.
My bossy tone made her sneer at me with obvious disgust.
“I’m not done with my drink, assistant.”
“That’s my wife,” Logan replied, sharp.
“So I’ve been told,” Tina said. “But where’s the ring?”
Did she know something about the disappearance of Logan’s grandmother’s heirloom ring? Logan must have suspected as well, because immediately, his head turned, looking down at her now.
Tina didn’t notice. Instead, her eyes went to my left hand ring finger resting on the bar top
“What the hell is that tiny thing?” she spat.
“My new wedding ring,” I said. “Perhaps not as elaborate as the other, but now less valuable in meaning and love.”
Tina glared at the ring, her upper lip curling. “He could afford to have bought you anything, and you settle for that tiny little thing…
“It’s not the monetary value that gives my wedding ring its worth,” I said.
Tina’s eyes turned to Logan’s ring and she snapped, “A plain band?”
“Hazel doesn’t care about the monetary value of things, and neither do 1,” Logan told her. “Our relationship is built on much more than that.”
Chapter 0327
Tina’s entire face shifted/ Full–on disgust twisted every feature, from pulling her eyebrows together, to scrunching her nose. “How utterly repulsive,” she said. “It makes no sense.”
“Logan and I care about each other,” I said. “Maybe if you can see that, you will realize that nothing you do or say will change that. Please, Tina. I’m asking you to back off.”
Tina’s face slowly relaxed back into her typical distain. “You both were wrong to come over here tonight. You think you can convince me to join your side? Don’t make me laugh. You have no idea how much power I still wield over your every social encounter from here on out.”
“You’re full of shit,” I snapped, tired of being civil. We were just trying to have a good time tonight, and here she came, out of nowhere, with the sole intention of ruining it for us. Didn’t she have anything better to do? “I’m not letting you ruin my night anymore.”
I had
every intention of turning away, returning to our table, and enjoying the rest of the night just in spite of her.
I expected her to give a cutting remark, but eventually get over it and move on.
Continually, I underestimated her.
She doesn’t get mad. She doesn’t give a cutting remark
Instead, at the top of her lungs, she says, “How could you ask me something so revolting?!” and starts to cry.
At once, across the bar, five men stand up from their tables. All of them are angry, frowning and tense. All of them are looking right at Logan and me.