Chapter 0034
“Well. Isn’t that sweet. Can’t say I’ve felt the same so you can go now. Nat’s in my bed, if you were wondering where you could find her. I know you know where that is,” I gave him a fake smile, pushed the lock button on my key fob, and started to walk away. Chance began sobbing loudly.
I stopped in my tracks and closed my eyes. I couldn’t believe I had ever hoped to marry this guy. I turned
back to him.
“What’s wrong?” I asked coldly.
He walked over to me and threw his arms around my neck. He sobbed into my shoulder for a moment before finally saying. “Nat…Nat…Natalie dumped me!”
My mouth dropped open. That would have been welcomed news right after the Vegas trip, but now I just wondered what Natalie’s new game was. I pushed him off of me.
“Is that why you were waiting for me? To tell me that?”
He shook his head and wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Then what do you want?” I asked, more harshly than I had intended.
“Hazel. I want you back.”