Chapter 0078
I stood frozen in place, champagne dripping down my head to my face, then down my neck, and into my
Several people around me gasped and stood frozen themselves, staring at Natalie and me. Natalie was smirking at me.
“Natalie!” I heard Logan’s voice from across the room.
She and I both turned to face him. He had re–entered the party through the tunnel, and Dylan was coming through as I looked over. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Natalie’s face went from smirking to almost in tears. Logan started walking swiftly towards us.
“Logan!” Her eyes began to well up. “You won’t believe the horrible thing this woman just said to me!”
“What?” I said. “Logan, I swear, I didn’t say anything!”
Natalie turned to me and gasped, “You are such a liar!”
But Logan didn’t address either one of us. Instead, he turned to his party guests and announced, “I’m sorry, we have to end this party early. Thank you all for coming.”
The guests looked at each other awkwardly, then slowly started grabbing their things and making their way to the balloon tunnel to leave. Logan stood silently until the room cleared out. Once everyone but Dylan and the three of us had left, Logan turned back towards us.
I braced myself, ready for Logan to lay into me, but instead, he walked up to Natalie. “I saw the whole thing, Natalie. I tried to make this work. I tried to ignore all the red flags. But I can’t ignore this. This is the final straw. Please exit the property. My divorce lawyer will be in touch tomorrow.” His voice was eerily
I looked at Nat. She looked stunned, then angry. She got right in Logan’s face. “How dare you. How dare you embarrass me like this. You’ve made a huge mistake.” She looked over at me, then back at him. lawyer will also be in touch, and we’re going to take you for everything you’ve got, you lying, cheating, son-
“My of–a–bitch.”
She stormed off towards the balloon tunnel. Dylan came running over with a napkin in hand, but Logan reached into his jacket and pulled out a handkerchief for me before Dylan reached us. I grabbed the handkerchief and dabbed at my face.
“Such an old man, carrying a handkerchief,” I joked, but neither man cracked a smile.
“Are you okay?” Logan said, taking the handkerchief back from me to help wipe champagne from my face.
“I think I’ll live,” I said. My eyes met his and for a moment his hand paused, resting on my cheek. I don’t think I had ever realized how blue his eyes were before this moment. His eyes moved to my lips, and for a brief moment, I thought he might kiss me. My heart started pounding in my chest.
Dylan cleared his throat and Logan and I both jumped had forgotten he was here.
“Let me see if these caterers have a towel or something to dry you off better,” Logan said without looking at me or Dylan. He ducked his head and walked over to where the caterers were cleaning up.
Dylan shoved his hands into his pocket. “Oh,” he said, pulling the hand holding the napkin back out. “I uh,
Chapter 0078
brought you this. But it doesn’t really seem sufficient.” He let his arm fall by his side.
I walked closer to him and reached out for the napkin. He handed it to me.
“Thank you,” I smiled at him and wiped my neck.
“Hazel, could we go somewhere and talk? I really think…” Dylan started, but before he could finish Logan returned with a towel.
“Here you go.” Logan handed it to me, cutting Dylan off
Dylan glared at Logan, then spun around on his heel and stormed off towards the balloon tunnel.
“Dylan wait!” I started after him, but if he heard me he didn’t acknowledge me. He kept his head down and quickened his pace, I watched him until he was gone, then I turned back to Logan. I crossed my arms in front of me, suddenly realizing how cold I was from the champagne that drenched my dress.
Chapter 0079