Chapter 0087
+25 BONL
The next morning I sat in a most uncomfortable chair next to Logan’s hospital bed, waiting for him to wake up. I flipped through a fashion magazine that I found in the waiting room, but I couldn’t concentrate on it. I sighed and closed it.
A moment later there was a knock at the door. I stood to answer it.
“Oh, Dylan! Hey!” I said, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of him. As handsome as the man was in his usual suit and tie, he somehow looked even better dressed down in jeans and a t–shirt. He was holding two iced coffees in his hands.
“Hey,” he smiled. “Thought you could maybe use this after the day you had yesterday.”
He held out a coffee towards me. I took it with a smile.
“God yes,” I said and took a sip. “Oh! This is my favorite! How did you know?”
He shrugged. “I have my ways,” he winked at me.
I held open the door for him to walk through.
“How is he?” He asked me, walking over to Logan.
“He’s been asleep since I got here,” I said. “But the nurse said he’s been doing great. He should be released sometime soon.”
“Excellent,” he said, then turned to look at me. “How did you sleep?”
I sat back in my chair. “I didn’t.”
Truth was, I waited up for a long time in Natalie’s room, ready to rip her a new one when she got home. But she never came back, and I spent a fitful night tossing and turning in her bed.
“Oh,” Dylan frowned at me. “Well I can sit here with him if you want to go home and try to get some sleep in?”
“Nah, I’ll be okay,” I smiled. “Thank you, though.”
“Have you eaten? I can go grab us some breakfast,” he offered.
My stomach growled at the mention of food. I’d been forgetting to feed myself a lot lately. “That would be great, actually. Let me find some cash…”
“Don’t be silly, it’s on me,” he said. “There’s a food truck that parks kind of close to here, they have excellent breakfast burritos. How does that sound?”
“Sounds perfect,” I said.
“Great, I’ll be back soon,” he walked back out the door, looked at the door for a moment, wondering how a man like that was still single.
I heard a soft moan from the bed, I turned. Logan’s eyes were fluttering open and he was trying to sit up. I ran over to him to help
“Hazel?” He said groggily as I helped him get to a semi seated position. “What are you doing here?”
Chapter 0087
I sat on the bed, facing him. “I didn’t want you to wake up alone,” I said. “And I wanted to make sure you were still okay.”
His eyes met mine. It looked like he was struggling to keep them open. “You are so sweet,” he said after at
He looked down and took one of my hands in his.
“The nurse told me you saved my life,” he said, his voice soft and weak. “She said I probably wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t called 911 when you did.”
I didn’t quite know what to say to that. I placed my free hand on top his hand and squeezed it. “It was just luck that I got to you when I did,” I finally said.
He shook his head. “Hazel, you saved me.” He said it as though it were just finally sinking in for him. “I almost died. I can’t believe I came so close…”
“Hey,” I said gently. “You’re okay. Don’t think about that.”
“Life is so, so fragile. And short,” he said. “I’ve been living my life like it’s forever, like I have time for all the things I really want, but this…I’m starting to realize that maybe I don’t.”
“This was an accident brought on by crazy, manipulative she–devil,” I said. “You’re young, you still have time.”
“Maybe…but…I do need to make some changes in my life,” he said.
He looked down at our hands. He intertwined his fingers with mine and started rubbing the side of my thumb with his. He looked up at my eyes again.