209 Side Story: Let’s Just Enjoy Ourselves Today
“Winter wedding, huh?” Liam looked at the light blue invitation in his hand again, his gray eyes sliding over the silver writing. “It suits Julia… She seems to be attracted to all things unusual.
Julia and Carla had been dating for over two years now and everyone was expecting them to set the date sooner or later. Carla even left her position as a maid and joined her girlfriend’s company to work as a bodyguard because that way, she could really utilize her true potential.
With the two of them being the way they were, it seemed like the best they could do was to sign the papers at the City Hall and text everyone they knew a copy–and–paste message “By the way, we got married!“.
Who would have thought that they would actually have a real wedding?
Amelie smiled and nodded as she recalled her childhood memories. “When we were just kids, she used to love “The Snow Queen” fairy tale to the point that she once spent an entire knight building a house from snow, saying that she would live in it until spring came. Every time I would mention marriage, although she always hated the idea of it, one time she still confessed that she wanted a winter wedding. She likes snow!
“What about you?” Liam moved over to his wife’s side of the bed, placing his head on her lap. “Do you like snow?”
Amelie closed the book she was reading and set it down next to her, taking a moment to think about her husband’s question.
Had she ever really thought about it before?
“Hmm…” she started with a long hum, “when I was little, I was a rather sickly child; I used to get cold easily and fall sick right after, so our parents never really allowed me to play in the snow or stay out for too long during autumn. When I grew older, my health improved, but I became too busy to think about those things.
Sure, we used to go on vacations with Richard’s family after my parents died, but neither Richard nor his parents liked cold weather, so we always ended up just visiting beaches around the world.”
As she uttered those words, Amelie could not help but look outside the window. They were only several days into December and it was yet to snow or get colder, but the mere anticipation of spending a nice evening next to a fireplace with a cup of mulled wine, watching the snowfall, made her heart tingle.
“Yes,” she said again quietly, shifting her eyes back to Liam. “I think I like snow. I like winter.”
Liam stretched his lips into a somewhat mischievous smile and wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist. “Good to know!”
“Somehow, I don’t like the sound of it, Amelie slid her long fingers through Liam’s soft black hair, but her husband only mumbled something incomprehensible into her stomach before moving back to his side and falling asleep.
209 Sale Story, Let’s Just Enjoy Ourselves Today
‘What was that all about?‘
The next morning, Amelie woke up to an empty bed. It was Saturday so Liam did not have any plans; and since he was always the one to spend a lazy morning in bed, trapping Amelie inside his strong embrace, she was quite surprised to not see him next to her.
Shrugging off that unusual feeling, she rose from the bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and start her day. There, however, she stopped abruptly and turned her face to her left, noticing a pink post–it stuck to the frame of the vanity mirror.
“What’s this?”
She took the post–it off and arched her brows. “If you are reading this, it means you haven’t looked outside the window yet. Don’t just stand there! Go look!”
Confused, Amelie rushed back into the bedroom and slid the curtains open, a slight gasp almost escaping her lips.
The view outside the window was mesmerizing. It had been snowing all night and now,
everything was covered with a heavy white blanket, occasional slow snowflakes still falling down to add to its fluffy, sparkling surface.
Amelie heard her phone ring and when she answered the call, she heard Liam’s joyous voice on the other end of the line. “Isn’t it perfect? Do you think it’s a good day for a winter date?”
“A winter date?”
“Get dressed and come out, I am already waiting for you!”
Without any further explanation, Liam ended the call, leaving Amelie utterly confused.
‘He wants to go on a date?”
The question did not seem that strange, but they had never really been on many dates before, and once Oscar was born, they strived to spend as much time with him as possible, sacrificing their personal time.
Truthfully, it was always the perfect day to take their sun for a sled ride in the park or build a snowman with him, but an excited girl inside Amelie protested, getting a little selfish herself.
‘Alright! A winter date it is!”
The moment Amelie stepped outside the mansion, she was greeted by Liam who had been waiting for her next to one of his cars.
“Get in! We’ll have to drive for a while, but I promise you it’s worth it!”
His genuine excitement put a wide smile on Amelie’s face and she got into the car without asking any questions. Once Liam started the car, however, her curiosity broke through.
“So, what is this all about? Where are we going? Why now? And what about Oscar? he might get upset–
209 Side Story: Lot’s Just Enjoy Ourselves Today
“Hey, calm down, the man responded with a chuckle, “there is nothing to worry about. In fact, today is the day when our biggest worry should be whether or not the fireplace will start.”
“Fireplace?” Amelie arched an eyebrow. “Liam, what is going on?”
Liam sighed and shook his head.
nd a nice day in a nice cabin in the “There can be no surprises with you, huh? We are going to woods! Yesterday, after we talked, I could not fall asleep thinking about what you told me. Eventually, I went to the kitchen to get some tea when I saw that it started snowing heavily! That was the moment an important decision was made. I texted Mr. Peterson and asked him if we could use his cabin today and he did not mind. Lizzy will take care of Oscar, I dropped him off two hours ago. So… Do you feel better now?”
Amelie almost choked on her words. Better was not a good word to describe what she was feeling. She was excited like a little kid; but at the same time, the anticipation was almost
Winter. A cabin in the woods. Fireplace. And just the two of them for the whole day. Had she ever experienced like that before?
“Now I am getting anxious… Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” Liam frowned with worry. Amelie shook her head in an attempt to dismiss his concern, clutching the seat belt with both hands. “No, it’s nothing. I am really looking forward to this date.”
The drive out of the city and to the destination spot took them just a couple of hours—the sudden snowfall made most of the city dwellers settle in the comfort of their warm homes, leaving the roads traffic–free.
Once they finally arrived to the cabin, the snow intensified again, creating a niceatmosphere around an already beautiful spot.
The forest was growing tall around a small mountain range and the cabin itself was situated right in the middle of it, though still positioned perfectly to have a magic view of the mountains visible in the distance.
“It’s so beautiful here…” Amelie got off the car, taking a few moments to take in the view. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air while Liam opened the trunk of the car, retrieving a suitcase and quite a few additional things which Amelie had not expected to see today.
“Oh my God!” She gasped as her gaze fell on the wooden sled. “Don’t tell me we are going to use this too today? How did you even think about it?”
Liam chuckled at her child–like bewilderment, dropping the sled onto one of the paths leading from the cabin. “Did you really think I would come here unprepared? I have bothered quite a few people to arrange this and Julia was one of them! She told me you would definitely like it, so… care to hop on and let me give you a ride?”
It was strange; just a few hours ago, Amelie thought about doing all these things with their son, not completely realizing that deep down inside, she, too, wanted to have some childish fun.
209 Side Story. Let’s Just Enjoy Ourselves Today
A big smile crep onto her pink lips and Amelie could not fight it back. Was it really so wrong to have some fun with her husband like that?
The answer was obvious and thus, smiling even wider, Amelie hopped onto the wooden sled, nodding at Liam. “Let’s go! Let’s just enjoy ourselves today!”